Tuesday 29 October 2013


Again with the Halloween theme. Today's post is about Werewolf movies - the good and the not so good. Let's face it with scary movies being largely a b-grade genre, good werewolf movies are few and far between.

Also keeping with my dislike of the Twilight films, I am not including them as something to watch on this list. The werewolf films that I do think are worth viewing include:

A Werewolf Boy - this is more of a drama/romance than a scary movie but it is really beautiful. Special effects could be better.

Wolf - Jack Nicholson and Michelle Pfiefer - two class actors in a pretty good werewolf film

Silver Bullet - Steven King film (not the best Steven King film out there but it is quite a good werewolf movie)

Teen Wolf - Featuring a very young Michael J Fox shortly after finishing Family Ties. This film is not a scary movie - it really is a teen movie which I happen to like. There is also a sequel Teen Wolf Too starring a young Jason Bateman that unfortunately is nowhere near as good as the original.

An American Werewolf in London - An all time classic. Great script and has some very funny moments.

Big Bad Wolf - this film is a comedy horror and is surprisingly good if you are into teen slasher films.

Dog Soldiers - A fun horror film - really worth a watch

The Howling - a true classic Werewolf movie

The Wolfman - with Anthony Hopkins and Benicio Del Toro headlining, this is one good werewolf movie.

That's it for today. Any glaring omissions? Let me know.

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