Wednesday 9 October 2013

We just broke up

I'd like to say we have all been there. Turning up at a cafe, ready to hear the "It's not you, it's me" or "I just don't see us as forever", "you deserve someone that's going to appreciate you more than I do", "We've grown apart" etc... If you were emotionally invested in the person breaking this news you may decide to watch films that will make you cry like The Notebook or Titanic while indulging in copious amounts of ice-cream, alcohol, etc... and pining for the person you thought you were and may well have been in love with.

Then what? I think films that offer hope and can provide some perspective make for better viewing because every relationship, regardless of how it turns out, can teach us something about ourselves should we choose to look at that relationship objectively.

Films that I believe do this really well include Legally Blonde, (500) Days of Summer, High Fidelity, Annie Hall and The First Wives Club. What I like about these films is that they leave the viewer with a good feeling - rather than the need to reach for a bucket of ice-cream or another shot of tequila.

If, however, you are interested in having a good cry I would steer away from films like The Notebook, Pride & Prejudice, (actually any Jane Austen/Meg Ryan/girl from Grey's Anatomy whose name eludes me at the moment etc... or romantic comedy especially ones that involve a break-up/reuniting) and look for tear-jerkers that are not ones that have a romantic element to them. Films like Dad, Mr Holland's Opus, Dead Poets Society, Beaches, Philadelphia, Thelma & Louise, Steel Magnolias, Schindler's List, Lorenzo's Oil and Life is Beautiful. They will give you an emotional outlet without having the focus of romance or your relationship.

So what do you watch after a break up? Let me know.

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