Wednesday 16 October 2013

Movies with a great soundtrack

There are a few films out there where I have finished watching and immediately sought out the soundtrack because the mix of songs in the film were that good.

There have been a couple of occasions where I have been disappointed with the actual motion picture soundtrack when compared to the songs that featured in the film which is why I have a preference for watching the films over listening to the soundtrack.

Below is a list of a few of the films that I think have a great soundtrack

Good Morning Vietnam - the motion picture soundtrack is great as it includes snippets of Robin Williams from the film along with some great 70s tracks

(500) Days of Summer - timeless modern music

A lot like love - great film too.

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels - not only a great soundtrack but a great film too

Pulp Fiction - because life would be incomplete without a Tarantino film

Singles - for those who like 90s Seattle Grunge

Empire Records - unfortunately the motion picture soundtrack is pale in comparison to the songs that feature in the film. Don't watch the director's cut/special edition - it's rubbish - go for the original version of the film. Features a brat pack of sorts including Renee Zellweger, Liv Tyler and Skeet Urlich. A nice film that doesn't require much thinking.

The Big Chill

The Breakfast Club - I love John Hughes movies - he captures teen angst brilliantly and this film has a wonderful script and 80s soundtrack

In the Mood For Love - Asian Jazz and some rare Nat King Cole music

Amadeus and Immortal Beloved - for those who love classical music

High Fidelity 

The Blues Brothers - a flop when it came out but it has a wonderful soundtrack

The Commitments

Stand By Me

Easy Rider

Buena Vista Social Club - for Cuban music

Boogie Nights

That's my list for those looking for a film they can hum along to or just appreciate the music. What about you? Do you have a favourite soundtrack movie? Let me know.

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