Thursday 21 November 2013

Viva La Francais

My mum has always had an interest in French films, in particular French comedies and so we were dragged along to see various French films whenever they hit the screen.

I have grown to appreciate French cinema more and more, especially after studying film at University when I learnt about the French New Wave film makers like Jean-Luc Godard, Francois Truffaut and Claude Chabrol and the influence that these among other French film makers have had on future film makers both in France and outside of France. So today, in honour of the French, I have decided to assemble a list of my favourite French films. They are as follows and in no particular order:

The Spanish Apartment - this is a wonderful film set in Spain. Great story that is well executed. Easily worth a couple of viewings.

Week End - This is one of Jean-Luc Godard's best films (in my mind at any rate). It isn't really for everyone. If you are interested in Cinema as an art form, then by all means watch this film.

The Unfaithful Wife - Another of the new wave film makers, Claude Chabrol. This is a really complex film. One that will make you think afterwards. Excellent viewing.

The City of Lost Children - this is just a beautiful film to watch. The story is wonderful too.

Cache (aka Hidden) - very clever film that is well acted and will make you think for a while afterwards (at least I did).

Delicatessen - this is a wonderful film - a little on the bizarre side but definitely worth watching.

News from the Good Lord - this is a difficult film to find with subtitles but easily one of the best French films  I have ever seen. If you find a copy, take a look. The plot and the way it is acted are very original.

The Rules of the Game - Renoir - a very clever social comedy. It is generally considered one of the greatest films ever made. Definitely worth a watch.

Jean de Florette and Manon Des Sources (the sequel for those looking for films in order) - they are beautiful films that want you to go and explore the countryside of France.

Au Revoir Les Enfants - an incredible movie that is definitely worth watching.

Un Prophete - a very well acted film that is deserving of all the awards and nominations. Wonderful viewing but probably hard to watch more than once.

La Femme Nikita - I have mentioned this in another post - very easy to watch. So popular the Americans did a remake called The Assassin which is not as good as the original.

Le Diner de Cons - I have mentioned this one also in a previous post - it is a fun Friday night film to watch. The US did a remake but it is not as good as this one in my opinion.

There are so many others that I could include on this list but this is really just to get you started. Do you have a favourite French Film? Let me know.

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