Wednesday 27 November 2013

Medical Practitioners

I was going to label this post Doctors but the term implies a greater range of professions than the one that I want to speak of. There are a few really wonderful films that have doctors featured as one of the main characters. Ones that I recommend include:

Doctor Zhivago - this classic film still makes for engaging viewing. The cinematography by Freddie Young is magnificent in this film as are the performances by Omar Sharif, Julie Christie and Rod Steiger. A timeless epic.

Patch Adams - this Robin Williams film is a good but not great film of his. It is worth a watch, perhaps not a second one.

Bad Medicine - This Steve Guttenberg movie is quite good viewing. The storyline is simple and easy to follow. Easy weekend viewing.

Side Effects - I love Stephen Soderberg films and this one is definitely worth watching, although not his best work. Great performances all round.

M.A.S.H. - This Robert Altman film is timeless. Definitely engaging viewing as is the television series that spun off based on the success of this film.

Inch'Allah - This Canadian film is a good movie that may not appeal to everyone. I thought it was really well put together.

No Way Out - this 1950s film was quite risqué for the time. The performances by the cast and the script are excellent. It makes for engaging viewing.

The Treatment - this film is quite clever and seemed to miss the mark at the box office. The performances are great and the script is wonderful. Definitely worth a watch.

Dr Akagi - I felt I should include a Japanese film on the list and this one makes for great viewing. Definitely worth a watch.

The English Surgeon - this is an incredibly moving documentary that makes for engaging viewing.

Forgiving Dr Mengele - this is an incredibly powerful documentary that again makes for engaging viewing.

Spellbound - this Hitchcock classic makes for incredibly engaging viewing. Wonderful performances by Ingrid Bergman and Gregory Peck.

Dis-Moi Oui… - a beautiful film that really is worth watching if you can track down a copy.

The Doctor - William Hurt is wonderful in this film. He is a fine actor and the rest of the cast work well with him. I enjoyed it.

That list should be enough to get you started. Are there any Doctor movies that are your favourite? Let me know.

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