Tuesday 12 November 2013

Movies about Sex and Intimacy

I went and saw Don Jon today and the film is still floating around in my head which means that it must be pretty good as there aren't too many movies that do that for me. The subject of the film along with the trailers that preceded it, films such as Mr & Mrs Player and Thanks For Sharing have inspired today's post.

Sex is one of those subjects that you are meant to steer clear of at dinner parties and formal gatherings and yet it is something that is so prevalent in today's society. Most commercials and media images use sexual innuendo as a means of selling their products or services, it is difficult not to be bombarded by it.

There are very few good films that explore the issue of sex and intimacy well. Ones that I think are worth viewing outside of Don Jon include:

Sex, Lies and Videotape - Stephen Soderbergh directs this wonderful film. There is really a lot of depth to this movie. Definitely worth a watch.

En la cama - this Chilean film was inspired by Before Sunrise and it is easy to see how. That said, the acting and the script are wonderful. It is worth a watch.

Swingers - not strictly about sex and intimacy but I think the themes are definitely in there and I love this film so I have included it in this list.

Intimacy - this is a really intelligent film that will linger in your mind afterwards for days - at least it did in mine.

Little Children - this is a great film because the characters feel real and have genuine flaws. It is wonderfully directed and acted. Definitely worth a watch.

The Sessions - this is a wonderful film. The acting of the two leads and supporting cast is wonderful. It really deserves to be watched.

Take This Waltz - I love Michelle Williams - she is an underrated actress that absorbs her characters so well. This film is no exception and Seth Rogen is actually pretty good in this as well. I think it is worth viewing.

Fat Girl (aka A Ma Soeur!) - this film haunted me for days/years afterwards. It is definitely worth a watch although it is very confronting and will not be to everyone's taste.

Fellini's Casanova - I think this is one of Fellini's best films. It is quite an early work and is not the easiest film to watch. Not everyone will like it but I did.

The Man Who Loved Women - Francois Truffaut did a fantastic job with this film. The choice of Charles Denner as Bertrand was a fantastic casting decision. A really interesting film to watch.

Better than Sex - this is a low budget Australian film that wasn't circulated widely because some of the scenes are quite graphic. It is a great, fun film that is well acted. Worth a viewing.

I almost forgot to include Chasing Amy - one of the most mature Kevin Smith films out there. It is really well put together and I have seen it a few times now and have enjoyed it each time. Great performances by Ben Affleck and Jason Lee.

That's it for today. Any films that should be on the list. Let me know.

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