Monday 11 November 2013

Guns for Hire

Apparently it is 50 years since JFK was assassinated and to commemorate the event, Hollywood has released a film, Parkland, that looks at the assassination as an actual event - rather than the lead up or the life of JFK and it does look for quite engaging viewing.

Rather than look at conspiracy films, I thought I would make today's post about films that feature "guns for hire" as it were. They generally make for great viewing on a weekend.

The list below is as follows:

Leon: The Professional by Luc Besson. Natalie Portman, Jean Reno and Gary Oldman (a man who is rarely in a bad film) are wonderful in this thriller.

The Day of the Jackal - Based on a true story, it is a wonderful thriller that spawned a remake featuring Bruce Willis and Richard Gere which is nowhere near as good.

Kill Bill: Vol. 1 and Kill Bill: Vol. 2 No movie assassin list would be complete without including these wonderful Tarantino films. They are not for the faint of heart as they really are very violent films.

Shogun Assassins - I saw this film in my youth and it was my first experience of a samurai/slasher film. It is really very violent and I will admit that it won't appeal to all. I think I like it more for nostalgia value than anything else.

La Femme Nikita - another wonderful Luc Besson film which spawned a US remake which again is not as good as this film. If you can handle subtitles, I really recommend this one.

Grosse Point Blank - I have mentioned this in another post. An interesting spin on the assassin film. John Cuzack is made for this type of role. Also has a great soundtrack for those that are fans of the Violent Femmes and other indie artists that peaked around the early 90s.

The Bourne Trilogy (i.e. the ones with Matt Damon in them) The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy and The Bourne Ultimatum - the ultimate wet weekend weather viewing. Definitely worth watching in order. The supporting cast in each of these films are wonderful. The films are well paced and beautifully shot. They deserve the returns that they have made at the box office.

Looper - quite a good story that is well acted. Bruce Willis and Joseph Gordon Levitt really shine in this film.

Mr & Mrs Smith - the film that brought two of Hollywood's hottest stars together. It really is just a fun ride.

The Big Hit - I really enjoyed this film. It doesn't take itself seriously and the actors really look like they had a great time making it. Definitely worth a watch.

Smokin' Aces - when you see just who is in this film, not just those in the opening credits but those in minor roles that have since gone on to become major stars, you have to see this film. The acting is wonderful.

The Killer - Another favourite of mine by John Woo that is definitely worth a watch.

Red - I love this movie. The performances from the cast, the script and direction are all wonderful. I am yet to see the sequel but am looking forward to it.

No Country for Old Men - Again a film I have mentioned in a previous post. Just a wonderful movie from the Cohen Brothers.

I could go on for ever but you get the point. The purpose is really just to provide some ideas. Any that you think should be on the list? Let me know.

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