Wednesday 6 November 2013

Visions of the future

Hello Everyone. Today's post is considering films that are set in a future on Earth. I went to the movies on my own today and it made me think about a separate time when I went on my own to see a film called The Fifth Element - one of my favourite films that is set at a future time on Earth, hence the inspiration for today's post.

There are several films that are worth a watch that adopt this approach that are worth a watch. What I loved most about The Fifth Element is that so many people expected it to be something else and "missed the point" as it were when it was first released. I felt privileged to have understood what Luc Besson was looking to achieve and I just relished the film - it really is a visual feast and if you are a fan of fashion - Jean Paul Gaultier did all of the costumes in the film - they are really stunning.

Other films that are worth a watch include:

Blade Runner (the director's cut) - I don't always recommend the directors cut but in this instance my preference is for this version over the original as it allows the audience to think more about the film.

Demolition Man - I wouldn't call this a thinking person's movie. It is a fun film that is well put together and the cast seems to really enjoy being a part of it. I'd see it again.

Looper - I enjoyed the film - it felt a little slow to get started but that could also be as a result of me first seeing this film on an aircraft - not the most ideal place to be seeing a movie for the first time.

The Matrix - not just because it was filmed in Australia. I loved the concept - the sequel The Matrix: Reloaded was good also but the final instalment The Matrix: Revolutions was not as good as the first two.

Brazil - this is a wonderfully stylised film that is still a great watch today. Just really ahead of its time.

Gattaca - again, a beautiful film to watch and raises some interesting issues to think about.

Logan's Run - this film's special effects are quite dated now but I enjoyed it. The concept of the film is really interesting and the acting is very good.

Surrogates - this film didn't seem to get much press when it was released (at least in Australia at any rate). I found it to be a really good action film that doesn't require much thinking to enjoy.

Metropolis - Black and White German Classic by Fritz Lang that has gone on to inspire many other film makers. Definitely ahead of its time.

Carre Blanc - this French film is a must see for those that like unusual films that are beautifully put together.

2046 - it is the sequel to In The Mood For Love and is a beautiful, slow film by Wong Kar Wei.

Akira - fantastic Japanese film - the quality of the animation is timeless . Please watch the subtitled version with original Japanese language if possible.

Battle Royale - this is an incredibly violent Japanese film that is really not for everyone. It is amazing that it was able to be made given the subject matter but is an interesting film nonetheless.

That's it for today. I know that there are several others that could be included. What's your favourite film that is set in the future - let me know.

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