Thursday 28 November 2013

Office Workers

The final post for employees this week is that of office workers. I know technically it is not a profession because it encompasses a wide range of different types of people but I thought I would make it the subject of today's post anyway. I have quite a number of favourite films that feature characters that work in an office. Below are some that I think you may enjoy.

Office Space - this small budget American film has a wonderful script with some classic one liners. Definitely worth a watch.

Nine to Five - this now quite dated film is still worth viewing. Great performances by Jane Fonda, Dolly Parton and Lily Tomlin.

Horrible Bosses - this film has a great script and is well acted. I think it is definitely worth watching.

The Proposal - this is a light hearted entertaining film. Easy Friday night viewing.

The Devil Wears Prada - more a fashion movie than an office movie but I am putting it in here anyway because I like it. Meryl Streep is wonderful in this film.

Office Killer - for the comedy/horror fans - this one is quite a good film despite the low imdb rating.

Secretary - Maggie Gyllenhaal and James Spader really shine in this wonderfully scripted comedy.

Working Girl - an oldie but a goodie. Some of the fashion is quite dated but there are great performances by Sigourney Weaver, Harrison Ford and Melanie Griffith.

That's it for this week. Have a great weekend everyone and happy viewing.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Medical Practitioners

I was going to label this post Doctors but the term implies a greater range of professions than the one that I want to speak of. There are a few really wonderful films that have doctors featured as one of the main characters. Ones that I recommend include:

Doctor Zhivago - this classic film still makes for engaging viewing. The cinematography by Freddie Young is magnificent in this film as are the performances by Omar Sharif, Julie Christie and Rod Steiger. A timeless epic.

Patch Adams - this Robin Williams film is a good but not great film of his. It is worth a watch, perhaps not a second one.

Bad Medicine - This Steve Guttenberg movie is quite good viewing. The storyline is simple and easy to follow. Easy weekend viewing.

Side Effects - I love Stephen Soderberg films and this one is definitely worth watching, although not his best work. Great performances all round.

M.A.S.H. - This Robert Altman film is timeless. Definitely engaging viewing as is the television series that spun off based on the success of this film.

Inch'Allah - This Canadian film is a good movie that may not appeal to everyone. I thought it was really well put together.

No Way Out - this 1950s film was quite risqué for the time. The performances by the cast and the script are excellent. It makes for engaging viewing.

The Treatment - this film is quite clever and seemed to miss the mark at the box office. The performances are great and the script is wonderful. Definitely worth a watch.

Dr Akagi - I felt I should include a Japanese film on the list and this one makes for great viewing. Definitely worth a watch.

The English Surgeon - this is an incredibly moving documentary that makes for engaging viewing.

Forgiving Dr Mengele - this is an incredibly powerful documentary that again makes for engaging viewing.

Spellbound - this Hitchcock classic makes for incredibly engaging viewing. Wonderful performances by Ingrid Bergman and Gregory Peck.

Dis-Moi Oui… - a beautiful film that really is worth watching if you can track down a copy.

The Doctor - William Hurt is wonderful in this film. He is a fine actor and the rest of the cast work well with him. I enjoyed it.

That list should be enough to get you started. Are there any Doctor movies that are your favourite? Let me know.

Tuesday 26 November 2013


Keeping with this weeks theme of profession movies, I thought I would make today's post about Journalists. Investigative journalism appears to be something of a dying profession in today's world as it appears more and more difficult for journalists to break heavily researched stories to the world without either fear of litigation or some part of the story being leaked before adequate research can be done.

That said, when a great news story breaks, the story behind it often makes for a great film. Some of the films that I have enjoyed that feature journalists include:

All The President's Men - wonderful film that is not lost today featuring two great actors, Dustin Hoffman and Robert Redford. Definitely worth watching.

State of Play - Russell Crowe is excellent in this film. Easy Friday night viewing.

The China Syndrome - This film is still a great watch for something that was released in the late 70s. Jack Lemmon is brilliant in this film.

Broadcast News - I loved this film when I first saw it many years ago. It is as true now as it was when it was released. James L Brooks of As Good As It Gets fame directed this film. Brilliant performances all round.

The Year of Living Dangerously - this early Peter Weir film is still a wonderful watch. Great performance by Mel Gibson.

Almost Famous - I love this film. The cast, script and story are great. If you love music, this is one to watch.

The Paper - this is a great Ron Howard film with a wonderful ensemble cast. Easy to watch.

The Pelican Brief - Denzel Washington and Julia Roberts are great in this film.

Veronica Guerin - Cate Blanchett is a wonderful actress - you cannot go wrong watching this.

Network - a wonderful satire starring Peter Finch, Faye Dunaway, Robert Duvall and William Holden. Still good viewing after many years.

Good Night and Good Luck - great all round cast. The film was worthy of the six oscar nominations it received. Definitely worth a watch.

Polisse - the subject matter of this film may make it difficult for some people to watch. It is an incredibly well made and well acted film that is worth viewing if you are up for the challenge.

Lastly, Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy - if you are after a funny film that is easy to watch, then this one is for you. I am yet to see the sequel.

What's your favourite journalist film? Let me know.

Monday 25 November 2013


Keeping with the theme of professionals this week, this post looks at movies featuring stockbrokers. The reason for stockbrokers has been inspired by the film Margin Call which is showing on cable in Asia this week. It has a phenomenal cast including Kevin Spacey, Jeremy Irons and Demi Moore. Well worth a watch.

Enough about television. Films featuring stockbrokers that I think are worth viewing include:

Rogue Trader - having visited Harry's Bar in Singapore where Nick Leeson use to have a regular brew, it is nice to see a film based on his story.

Wall Street - the emergence of Gordon Gecko made famous by Michael Douglas. This Oliver Stone movie is still worth watching after all these years.

Trading Places - a classic comedy featuring Dan Ackroyd, Eddie Murphy and Jamie Lee Curtis. Timeless. Great viewing even now.

The Boiler Room - don't let thinking Vin Diesel being in this movie will make is like another Fast and the Furious Flick, it is actually really good an Vin Diesel does well in his role. It is worth a watch.

Limitless - not strictly a wall street/stockbroker movie but it does feature in the film and I really liked it so I have included it here. The concept is great and the performances by DeNiro and Bradley Cooper are wonderful.

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room - I went to the movies to see this one. It is really disturbing because it could happen again quite easily. Great documentary.

That's it for this post. Do you have a favourite stockbroker film? If so, let me know.


I was thinking about Boston Legal this morning and what a wonderful television series it was loosely centred around the legal profession. I would hate to think that lawyers actually behave as per the series - the office banter was incredibly well scripted. At any rate, it has inspired this mornings post which is movies that feature lawyers that are worth watching.

Liar Liar - I really enjoyed this Jim Carrey film. He is a wonderful actor and he really plays his character well in this film. An easy Friday night family film.

The Rainmaker - again, a wonderful story well executed by a great cast. Definitely makes for good viewing.

To Kill a Mockingbird - this classic is a good adaptation of the book. Wonderful performances by Gregory Peck and the rest of the cast.

Philadelphia - I cried my eyes out in this film. Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington are wonderful with their performances. It is quite a long film so be prepared to sit down for a while.

Legally Blonde - I prefer the first film to the sequel. It looks like a chic flick but it is so much more than that. Really clever film and I can watch it over and over and enjoy it.

My Cousin Vinnie - Marissa Tomei won an oscar for her performance in this film. It is great and very easy to watch.

The Castle - I couldn't have this list without including this Australian classic. The court room scenes in this are priceless. If you are Australian and haven't seen this film, you are really missing out.

The Lincoln Lawyer - Matthew McConaughey is finally starting to star in films that really showcase his talent as an actor and not just a piece of meat for the screen. I loved him in this and in Magic Mike (I really felt he should have received an oscar nomination for his work in Magic Mike - he really excelled) and more recently Mud. This film is definitely worth a watch, not just for Matt but the rest of the cast really work well together in this film.

A Time to Kill - Another Matthew McConaughey movie with a wonderful cast including Sandra Bullock, Samuel L Jackson and Kevin Spacey. Easily viewing.

Michael Clayton - George Clooney does a wonderful job in this film. Definitely worth a watch.

The Verdict - this Paul Newman film is a masterpiece. Wonderful acting from him and the rest of the cast. Definitely worth a watch.

Breaker Morant - another great Australian film which crosses over between war movie and legal film. Wonderful acting by the cast. A really good watch even today.

Ace Attorney - this Japanese film is based on a video game and may not appeal to everyone. I enjoyed it. It is an easy watch.

Class Action - I really enjoyed this movie. I thought Gene Hackman and Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio were wonderful in this film. Engaging easy Friday night viewing.

Genealogies D'un Crime - this French film will not appeal to all. I happened to enjoy it. Catherine Deneuve was wonderful in this.

Tell No One - I wasn't sure whether to include this in the lawyer category as it crosses into a few professions. It is definitely a thriller worth watching.

That's it for this post. I know there are several others that could be included on this list but this is just to get you started. Do you have a favourite lawyer film? If so, let me know.

Thursday 21 November 2013

Notions of Time

It has been nearly two weeks and I am still thinking about Blue Jasmine. Regardless of whether you are a fan of Woody Allen films or not, it is a really good film. For those that aren't fans of Woody Allen it might be an easier Woody Allen film to watch because he isn't in it. That said, today's post is about films that play with the concept of time. There are several films out there that "jump around" in a temporal sense that are worth viewing. Below are a few that for me really stood out.

Memento - this early Chris Nolan film is wonderful. I recognise that it may not appeal to everyone because it can appear to be quite jarring at times, but I really think for those that like a challenge, have a look at this one. Both Guy Pearce and Carrie Moss are wonderful in this film.

(500) Days of Summer - this is a wonderful film. The acting by Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Chloe Grace Moretz and Zoey Deschanel is great. I always wonder if someone will look to do a broadway version of this film as I think would translate well into the theatre. Perhaps a challenge for one of my readers. :)

Groundhog Day - Firstly, I have to say that I love this movie. I love Bill Murray as an actor and will watch pretty much anything he is in. I don't advocate drug use but if you happen to find yourself under the influence of the green weed, it is a film that can really mess with your mind.

The Time Traveler's Wife - I loved the book and the film is a little bit uneasy but still worth a watch. Rachel McAdams and Eric Bana are great in this film.

Run Lola Run - A wonderful German film that is still worth a watch after all these years. Won't appeal to everyone but I love it.

Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction - both excellent Tarantino films that make for great viewing.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - I love Charlie Kaufman - he really creates wonderfully original scripts and this one is acted beautifully by Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet. Definitely worth a watch.

Source Code - Easy Friday night viewing. I felt I should include a Thriller/science fiction film in the list.

Any favourites of yours that play with the concept of time? Let me know.

Viva La Francais

My mum has always had an interest in French films, in particular French comedies and so we were dragged along to see various French films whenever they hit the screen.

I have grown to appreciate French cinema more and more, especially after studying film at University when I learnt about the French New Wave film makers like Jean-Luc Godard, Francois Truffaut and Claude Chabrol and the influence that these among other French film makers have had on future film makers both in France and outside of France. So today, in honour of the French, I have decided to assemble a list of my favourite French films. They are as follows and in no particular order:

The Spanish Apartment - this is a wonderful film set in Spain. Great story that is well executed. Easily worth a couple of viewings.

Week End - This is one of Jean-Luc Godard's best films (in my mind at any rate). It isn't really for everyone. If you are interested in Cinema as an art form, then by all means watch this film.

The Unfaithful Wife - Another of the new wave film makers, Claude Chabrol. This is a really complex film. One that will make you think afterwards. Excellent viewing.

The City of Lost Children - this is just a beautiful film to watch. The story is wonderful too.

Cache (aka Hidden) - very clever film that is well acted and will make you think for a while afterwards (at least I did).

Delicatessen - this is a wonderful film - a little on the bizarre side but definitely worth watching.

News from the Good Lord - this is a difficult film to find with subtitles but easily one of the best French films  I have ever seen. If you find a copy, take a look. The plot and the way it is acted are very original.

The Rules of the Game - Renoir - a very clever social comedy. It is generally considered one of the greatest films ever made. Definitely worth a watch.

Jean de Florette and Manon Des Sources (the sequel for those looking for films in order) - they are beautiful films that want you to go and explore the countryside of France.

Au Revoir Les Enfants - an incredible movie that is definitely worth watching.

Un Prophete - a very well acted film that is deserving of all the awards and nominations. Wonderful viewing but probably hard to watch more than once.

La Femme Nikita - I have mentioned this in another post - very easy to watch. So popular the Americans did a remake called The Assassin which is not as good as the original.

Le Diner de Cons - I have mentioned this one also in a previous post - it is a fun Friday night film to watch. The US did a remake but it is not as good as this one in my opinion.

There are so many others that I could include on this list but this is really just to get you started. Do you have a favourite French Film? Let me know.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Actresses who are rarely in a bad film - Cate Blanchett

I saw Blue Jasmine at the cinema the other day and it reminded me of what a wonderful actress Cate Blanchett is. Not just because she is an Australian but because I don't think I have seen her in a bad film to date.

What I find wonderful about Cate is that she is not typecast into a specific type of role. She has wonderful depth in her acting and plays across various genres incredibly well. Put simply, like Don Cheadle, if you see Cate's name attached to a film, you are guaranteed that it is a great film to watch.

For those unfamiliar with Cate's work, some films that I would recommend watching (other than Blue Jasmine), include:

Paradise Road - the rest of the cast is wonderful in the Bruce Beresford film. Some of the scenes are quite violent and very realistic in their violence but it is a remarkable true story. Definitely worth watching.

 Thank God He Met Lizzie (also known as The Wedding Party) - I love this Australian film. It is a small, wonderful low budget film that has a stellar Australian cast (I happen to be a huge fan of Richard Roxburgh having seen him perform in a couple of plays at the Belvoir Street Theatre). It is a really easy film to watch. Good Friday night after work viewing.

Elizabeth - this is the film that made Cate Blanchett a household name. She really shines in this film.

An Ideal Husband - the entire cast of this version of the Oscar Wilde play make for a fantastic film. It is a lot of fun and very easy to watch.

Bandits - this is really Blanchett showing how good she is in comedies. I felt that this film didn't do as well as it should have at the cinema. It is wonderful. Billy Bob Thornton and Bruce Willis are also wonderful in this film.

Heaven - this is a wonderful film that will make you think afterwards. It unfolds slowly and is beautifully shot. Probably not a film for everyone, but I really enjoyed it.

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou - I love this film. It is a light hearted, fun, easy to watch movie. Bill Murray and Owen Wilson are brilliant in this film.

The Aviator - Cate won the best supporting actress oscar for her performance in this film. It is a wonderful film to watch.

Little Fish - I found this film quite difficult to watch. The performances are incredibly realistic. It is a good film and I would recommend it to others if you are interested in low budget dramas.

Babel - this film is excellent. The entire cast are wonderful. Definitely worth a watch.

Notes on a Scandal - a wonderfully realistic film. It can make for some challenging viewing but it is definitely worth watching.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - more of a Brad Pitt movie than anything else. I think it is a wonderful story that has been really well put together. It works and is worth viewing.

There are a lot of other films out there that have Cate Blanchett in them. These are really just to get you started. Do you have a favourite Cate Blanchett film? If so, let me know.


I was watching Mean Streets today and not only did it give me insight into how young Robert De Niro, Harvey Keitel and David Carradine were in this film, it also gave me a little more insight into how a lot of ideas in Goodfellas were tested.

Mean Streets was Scorcese's first real gangster movie. I think that Goodfellas is his best gangster film to date. Mean Streets, while a watchable and engaging movie is missing the finesse that Goodfellas has. Perhaps maturity and additional experience as a film director led to this being the case. Who knows.

Anyway, the film has inspired today's post. Gangster is not necessarily limited to America, although the American mafia film is considered to be the main type of film that people think of when the term gangster movie is raised.

Other great gangster films that are worth viewing (in my opinion) include:

The Godfather and The Godfather: Part II - Part III is ok but the first two really shine.

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels - I love this British film - I can watch it over and over and I have the soundtrack on my iPod.

Reservoir Dogs - for a first film, Tarantino did a really good job with this film. I hate to admit it but I fell asleep the first 3 times I tried to watch this movie. (I put it down to Sunday afternoon viewing after a very big Saturday night on each occasion). When I did finally see it completely from start to finish, I understood what all the fuss was about. Some of the violence in this is quite realistic and will not appeal to everyone.

American Gangster - Denzel Washington is wonderful in this true story. Russell Crowe is also really good. It is definitely worth a watch. Highly polished film that is entertaining.

Goodfellas - as mentioned above. I think it is Scorcese's best gangster film to date. Great cast, wonderful cinematography, definitely worth a few viewings.

Infernal Affairs - The movie The Departed is based on this wonderful Hong Kong film. Please watch this one over The Departed and in its original language. It really is a wonderful film.

The Usual Suspects - I love this film. Kevin Spacey is a legend and really does a wonderful job in this movie. If you haven't seen it, definitely get it out. A film that should appeal to most people.

Animal Kingdom - I found this film to be quite uncomfortable to watch. The acting is wonderful and the violence is quite realistic. Jacki Weaver shines in this film and deserved the oscar nomination for her performance.

Casino - Again, another Scorcese film that is worth a watch although if I had to choose between it and Goodfellas I would choose Goodfellas.

Elite Squad - This Brazilian film is more action cop movie than gangster but it is definitely worth watching so I have included it in this list as it does have a gangster/drug dealer mob element to it.

The Yakuza - Sydney Pollack directs this wonderful co-production between America and Japan. It is a great Japanese mafia film. Highly entertaining.

Sonatine - while on the topic of Japanese Yakuza films - this one is highly entertaining, beautifully shot and very easy to watch. Again, in Japanese with subtitles if you can.

El Mariachi - This early low budget Robert Rodriguez film is, in my opinion, a wonderful film and definitely worth viewing.

That should be enough to get you started. Any favourites out there that I have missed? Let me know.

Sunday 17 November 2013

Venice - how much I love you

I was watching The Tourist this afternoon and while I found the film to be a little disappointing as the film sacrificed chemistry between the two lead actors for star billing that they hoped would attract people to the film, it reminded me of what a beautiful city Venice is.

I went to Venice a number of years ago and had the fortune of staying in the Hotel Daniela and it really is a beautiful hotel. The entire city is amazing and no matter how many films may feature aspects of Venice until you physically see the city, it is impossible to take everything in.

That said, there are a number of films that use Venice and I have decided that I would dedicate today's post to the wonderful city.

Starting with the obvious ones:

Death in Venice - this is a slow film by today's standards but I think it is a really good adaptation of Thomas Mann's novel. If you like slow films, then by all means, this one is worth a watch.

The Merchant of Venice - This film has been remade several times. My preference is for the 2004 version with Al Pacino, Jeremy Irons and Joseph Feinnes.

The Anonymous Venetian - this is a beautiful Italian film from the 1970s that is really well acted and really pulls at the heart strings. Worth a watch.

The Italian Job - while Venice only features for part of the film, I love this movie and highly recommend it to everyone. The cast, crew and story are a lot of fun. Highly entertaining and easy for multiple viewings.

Moonraker - have to love James Bond. This is the first of two Bond films that feature Venice that I think are worth viewing. Moonraker is a personal favourite of mind although the choice of Bond actor is not my favourite (I really like Connery although I admit that Daniel Craig is doing a good job currently as James Bond).

Casino Royale - Daniel Craig does a wonderful job being the new James Bond in this film. It is definitely worth a watch. All class action.

Cassanova - I love Heath Ledger as an actor (not just because he is Australian). He does a great job in this film as does the rest of the cast. It is a fun film. No heavy lifting required.

The Comfort of Strangers - the cast in this film is wonderful and it really is incredibly clever in the way that the story evolves. Definitely worth a watch for those that like to think about films for a while afterwards.

Il Fornaretto di Venezia (ala The Scapegoat) - wonderful 1963 Italian film that has good acting and  a great story. Worth a watch if you can track down a copy.

Senso - a 1950s film by Luchino Visconti which will not appeal to everyone but I loved it. If you are a budding film maker, by all means see this film.

That's it for today. Do you have a favourite film that is set in Venice - if so let me know.

Thursday 14 November 2013


Today's post is about films that feature taxis as a main part of the film. Surprisingly there are quite a few films out there that use this form of transport as a feature part of the film.

A few of my favourites are listed below:

Night on Earth - This film by Jim Jarmusch is wonderful. I have seen it many times and have enjoyed it each time. Features subtitles and a wonderful cast.

Taxi - the French version in its original language if you can. It is a great French action film that has spawned a couple of sequels. (not the Queen Latifah film of the same name. There is a massive difference between the quality of the two films)

Taxi Driver - no list about taxi movies would be complete without this wonderful Scorcese film with an all star cast including Robert De Niro, Jodie Foster and Cybill Shepherd.

The Purple Taxi - this is quite an old film with a wonderful cast including Peter Ustinov, Fred Astaire and Charlotte Rampling. Copies are difficult to find and again this was one that I caught on television late one night. It really is a brilliant film.

Taxi to the Dark Side - for those interested in documentaries, this one is unmissable.

Collateral - I knew at some point I would include a Tom Cruise movie and this one is more for Jamie Foxx's performance than Tom Cruise's. Still, it is a surprisingly engaging film.

Chicago Cab - this is a low budget, independent film with a great cast (John Cuzack, Julianne Moore, Laurie Metcalf, Gillian Anderson, Paul Dillon and Michael Ironside to name a few). It didn't do well at the box office but I really think it is worth watching. A great sleeper film.

News from the Good Lord - I have mentioned this French film in a previous post. If you can track down a copy on DVD with English subtitles on the internet, let me know where as I would love to own it. Incredibly great film with a wonderful storyline that is really unusual and wonderful to watch. I cannot rate this movie high enough.

Not a long list today and I admit there are other taxi films out there that are worth viewing. This is just one to get you started. What's your favourite? Let me know.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Movies about Sex and Intimacy

I went and saw Don Jon today and the film is still floating around in my head which means that it must be pretty good as there aren't too many movies that do that for me. The subject of the film along with the trailers that preceded it, films such as Mr & Mrs Player and Thanks For Sharing have inspired today's post.

Sex is one of those subjects that you are meant to steer clear of at dinner parties and formal gatherings and yet it is something that is so prevalent in today's society. Most commercials and media images use sexual innuendo as a means of selling their products or services, it is difficult not to be bombarded by it.

There are very few good films that explore the issue of sex and intimacy well. Ones that I think are worth viewing outside of Don Jon include:

Sex, Lies and Videotape - Stephen Soderbergh directs this wonderful film. There is really a lot of depth to this movie. Definitely worth a watch.

En la cama - this Chilean film was inspired by Before Sunrise and it is easy to see how. That said, the acting and the script are wonderful. It is worth a watch.

Swingers - not strictly about sex and intimacy but I think the themes are definitely in there and I love this film so I have included it in this list.

Intimacy - this is a really intelligent film that will linger in your mind afterwards for days - at least it did in mine.

Little Children - this is a great film because the characters feel real and have genuine flaws. It is wonderfully directed and acted. Definitely worth a watch.

The Sessions - this is a wonderful film. The acting of the two leads and supporting cast is wonderful. It really deserves to be watched.

Take This Waltz - I love Michelle Williams - she is an underrated actress that absorbs her characters so well. This film is no exception and Seth Rogen is actually pretty good in this as well. I think it is worth viewing.

Fat Girl (aka A Ma Soeur!) - this film haunted me for days/years afterwards. It is definitely worth a watch although it is very confronting and will not be to everyone's taste.

Fellini's Casanova - I think this is one of Fellini's best films. It is quite an early work and is not the easiest film to watch. Not everyone will like it but I did.

The Man Who Loved Women - Francois Truffaut did a fantastic job with this film. The choice of Charles Denner as Bertrand was a fantastic casting decision. A really interesting film to watch.

Better than Sex - this is a low budget Australian film that wasn't circulated widely because some of the scenes are quite graphic. It is a great, fun film that is well acted. Worth a viewing.

I almost forgot to include Chasing Amy - one of the most mature Kevin Smith films out there. It is really well put together and I have seen it a few times now and have enjoyed it each time. Great performances by Ben Affleck and Jason Lee.

That's it for today. Any films that should be on the list. Let me know.

Monday 11 November 2013

Guns for Hire

Apparently it is 50 years since JFK was assassinated and to commemorate the event, Hollywood has released a film, Parkland, that looks at the assassination as an actual event - rather than the lead up or the life of JFK and it does look for quite engaging viewing.

Rather than look at conspiracy films, I thought I would make today's post about films that feature "guns for hire" as it were. They generally make for great viewing on a weekend.

The list below is as follows:

Leon: The Professional by Luc Besson. Natalie Portman, Jean Reno and Gary Oldman (a man who is rarely in a bad film) are wonderful in this thriller.

The Day of the Jackal - Based on a true story, it is a wonderful thriller that spawned a remake featuring Bruce Willis and Richard Gere which is nowhere near as good.

Kill Bill: Vol. 1 and Kill Bill: Vol. 2 No movie assassin list would be complete without including these wonderful Tarantino films. They are not for the faint of heart as they really are very violent films.

Shogun Assassins - I saw this film in my youth and it was my first experience of a samurai/slasher film. It is really very violent and I will admit that it won't appeal to all. I think I like it more for nostalgia value than anything else.

La Femme Nikita - another wonderful Luc Besson film which spawned a US remake which again is not as good as this film. If you can handle subtitles, I really recommend this one.

Grosse Point Blank - I have mentioned this in another post. An interesting spin on the assassin film. John Cuzack is made for this type of role. Also has a great soundtrack for those that are fans of the Violent Femmes and other indie artists that peaked around the early 90s.

The Bourne Trilogy (i.e. the ones with Matt Damon in them) The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy and The Bourne Ultimatum - the ultimate wet weekend weather viewing. Definitely worth watching in order. The supporting cast in each of these films are wonderful. The films are well paced and beautifully shot. They deserve the returns that they have made at the box office.

Looper - quite a good story that is well acted. Bruce Willis and Joseph Gordon Levitt really shine in this film.

Mr & Mrs Smith - the film that brought two of Hollywood's hottest stars together. It really is just a fun ride.

The Big Hit - I really enjoyed this film. It doesn't take itself seriously and the actors really look like they had a great time making it. Definitely worth a watch.

Smokin' Aces - when you see just who is in this film, not just those in the opening credits but those in minor roles that have since gone on to become major stars, you have to see this film. The acting is wonderful.

The Killer - Another favourite of mine by John Woo that is definitely worth a watch.

Red - I love this movie. The performances from the cast, the script and direction are all wonderful. I am yet to see the sequel but am looking forward to it.

No Country for Old Men - Again a film I have mentioned in a previous post. Just a wonderful movie from the Cohen Brothers.

I could go on for ever but you get the point. The purpose is really just to provide some ideas. Any that you think should be on the list? Let me know.

Sunday 10 November 2013

Going on Vacation

With Christmas fast approaching, a lot of people will be thinking about taking a break from the everyday and going somewhere away from their usual place of residence.

Vacation movies are wonderful films where the characters can sometimes evolve as a result of being away from their everyday lives and sometimes being on holidays can allow a person to act in a way that is out of character from their everyday persona.

There are several holiday films that are worth viewing if you like these types of films. They include:

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel - I would say that this really appeals to people in my parents' age bracket (i.e. the over 60 set) more than others, although it really is quite enjoyable.

Shirley Valentine - Another good British film that features a great cast and script.

A Room with a View - not strictly a holiday movie but it does feature a girl on holidays so I have included it here. Quite a timeless piece from James Ivory. Features a wonderful cast and magnificent cinematography.

The Holiday - quite a good romantic comedy that is easy to watch.

Vacation - the original is the best of this series in my opinion and it really is a piece of Americana worth watching if you like dysfunctional family humour.

Dirty Dancing - something of a cult classic starring Patrick Swayze - it also features a wonderful soundtrack.

RV - This Robin Williams film is better than expected. It isn't an intellectual film by any means and is something the whole family can enjoy.

Roman Holiday - an Audrey Hepburn classic - featuring wonderful clothing and a great cast and script.

Deliverance - this is a great adaptation of the book and is not a feel good film by any means but it is definitely worth a watch.

Spring Breakers - I have mentioned this film in a previous post - it will not appeal to all as the subject matter and the way that it is handled is bound to cause conflicts with a lot of viewers but I really think it is worth a watch.

Y Tu Mama También - this film is definitely not one for children. The themes and subject matter are quite adult but I think it is worth a watch.

That's it for today. Any vacation movies that you think should be on the list, let me know.

Thursday 7 November 2013

Fame - Remember my name

I was watching an episode of Zach Stone Is Gonna Be Famous on MTV the other night. The script of the series is well executed by the actors and while it may lag in parts, on the whole, it is quite a good piece of television.

The show reminded me of films that have characters obsessed with becoming famous and as such has formed the inspiration behind today's post.

Films that consider the concept of celebrity that are well worth a watch (at least in my mind) include:

Celebrity - Judy Davis, Kenneth Branagh and Leonardo Di Caprio are excellent (along with the rest of the cast) in this wonderful Woody Allen film.

To Die For - Another Nicole Kidman classic directed by Gus Van Sant. A wonderful black comedy.

Center Stage - this is a light piece of fluff that is worth a watch if you don't want to use your brain too much and enjoy dance movies.

Fame - my preference is for the 1980s version with the Irene Cara soundtrack. There was a remake in 2009 which pales in comparison to the original movie.

Natural Born Killers - I will readily admit that I found this really difficult to watch. The R rating is justified given the amount of violence in the film. It is a good film but it is not for everyone.

15 Minutes - This thriller with De Niro is a good watch but not a great watch.  

The Chase - not so much about fame but there are a couple of fame obsessed characters in it. I love the film and so I have included it here.

The Bling Ring - Sofia Coppola has done a wonderful job looking beyond this true story into the concept of celebrity.

The King of Comedy - De Niro excels in this Martin Scorcese film. It was a film that was ahead of its time and is definitely worth a watch.

Being John Malkovich - this is a film that I saw at the cinema and could not wait for it to reach DVD. Charlie Kaufman's a wonderful script writer because he really thinks outside the box (I would love to be a tourist in his mind for a day). Definitely see this film if you like offbeat interesting pieces.

Everybody's Famous! - this Belgian film is incredibly funny and well worth a watch.

That's it for today. Any that I have missed out on? I didn't include The Truman Show here because while I love the film, I think it is concerned with exploring our obsession with reality TV than it is with celebrities and so I didn't think it would fit with today's post.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Horses for Courses

Hello Everyone. This week was the week in which a race which stops a nation was held in Melbourne. For those familiar with it, it was of course, the Melbourne Cup which is an annual race held at Flemington Racecourse in Melbourne on the first Tuesday in November and is the Australian racing equivalent of The Grand National or the Kentucky Derby.

That fact has inspired today's post which is about films that feature race horses.  One of my personal favourites is Phar Lap - a film released in the 80s about an Australian (or NZ depending on where you are from) racehorse that was something of an Australian legend. Thinking about the film still brings a tear to my eye. It was really well done and is definitely worth a watch.

Other horse films that are worth a watch include:

National Velvet - featuring a very young Elizabeth Taylor. The film won two oscars and is definitely worth a watch.

International Velvet - the sequel to National Velvet as it were. The cast is very good and it is very much a feel good movie.

Seabiscuit - Toby Maguire is quite good in this film

Sylvester - a cute family movie - not difficult to watch but it is good for a family to enjoy

Shooting Fish - not strictly a horse movie - more of a British romantic comedy but it does include a horse race that is integral to the plot so I have included it here. It is definitely worth a watch.

Broadway Bill (aka National Confidential) - This Black and White Frank Capra movie was made during the golden age of Hollywood and while it is not well known is definitely worth a watch. It has a great cast, director and script. For lovers of racing movies - this is well worth a watch.

Let it Ride - not strictly a horse racing movie it is more about gambling but I have included it here anyway. Richard Dreyfuss is wonderful in this film. I enjoyed it but I know that it is not for everyone.

Anyway, that's the list for today. It doesn't include all the horse movies out there. If there are some that you think should be on this list, let me know.

Visions of the future

Hello Everyone. Today's post is considering films that are set in a future on Earth. I went to the movies on my own today and it made me think about a separate time when I went on my own to see a film called The Fifth Element - one of my favourite films that is set at a future time on Earth, hence the inspiration for today's post.

There are several films that are worth a watch that adopt this approach that are worth a watch. What I loved most about The Fifth Element is that so many people expected it to be something else and "missed the point" as it were when it was first released. I felt privileged to have understood what Luc Besson was looking to achieve and I just relished the film - it really is a visual feast and if you are a fan of fashion - Jean Paul Gaultier did all of the costumes in the film - they are really stunning.

Other films that are worth a watch include:

Blade Runner (the director's cut) - I don't always recommend the directors cut but in this instance my preference is for this version over the original as it allows the audience to think more about the film.

Demolition Man - I wouldn't call this a thinking person's movie. It is a fun film that is well put together and the cast seems to really enjoy being a part of it. I'd see it again.

Looper - I enjoyed the film - it felt a little slow to get started but that could also be as a result of me first seeing this film on an aircraft - not the most ideal place to be seeing a movie for the first time.

The Matrix - not just because it was filmed in Australia. I loved the concept - the sequel The Matrix: Reloaded was good also but the final instalment The Matrix: Revolutions was not as good as the first two.

Brazil - this is a wonderfully stylised film that is still a great watch today. Just really ahead of its time.

Gattaca - again, a beautiful film to watch and raises some interesting issues to think about.

Logan's Run - this film's special effects are quite dated now but I enjoyed it. The concept of the film is really interesting and the acting is very good.

Surrogates - this film didn't seem to get much press when it was released (at least in Australia at any rate). I found it to be a really good action film that doesn't require much thinking to enjoy.

Metropolis - Black and White German Classic by Fritz Lang that has gone on to inspire many other film makers. Definitely ahead of its time.

Carre Blanc - this French film is a must see for those that like unusual films that are beautifully put together.

2046 - it is the sequel to In The Mood For Love and is a beautiful, slow film by Wong Kar Wei.

Akira - fantastic Japanese film - the quality of the animation is timeless . Please watch the subtitled version with original Japanese language if possible.

Battle Royale - this is an incredibly violent Japanese film that is really not for everyone. It is amazing that it was able to be made given the subject matter but is an interesting film nonetheless.

That's it for today. I know that there are several others that could be included. What's your favourite film that is set in the future - let me know.

Monday 4 November 2013

Kung Fu - Beyond Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan

Normally when people think of kung fu, two incredible actors spring to mind being Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan and rightfully so. These two people paved the way for Kung Fu movies to gain international recognition.

Other than Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan, there are a number of other great Kung Fu movies out there. The latest one I have enjoyed is The Grandmaster by Wong Kar Wai.

Other notable Kung Fu movies include:

Once Upon a Time in China and the sequels - Jet Li took over where Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee left off. Not quite as comic as Jackie Chan but he is a master of Kung Fu.

Kung Fu Hustle - Stephen Chow is more Jackie Chan style than Bruce Lee in terms of showmanship and comedy. This film is definitely worth a watch.

Fist of Legend - a Jet Li classic

Ip Man (and the sequels) - Donnie Yen is being dubbed the new Jet Li of the Martial Arts world. This film is definitely worth a watch

Dragon - another Donnie Yen classic

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon - a wonderful film even if you are not a fan of this genre. Beautiful scenery and wonderfully filmed with a great story.

Reign of Assassins - if you like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon - you will probably enjoy this one too.

House of Flying Daggers - not quite as good as Crouching Tiger but still worth a watch.

Hero - definitely worth a watch - Jet Li is a legend of the Kung Fu world.

Outside of China and Hong Kong, the following films are definitely worth a watch for those that like Kung Fu

Man from Hong Kong (known in the USA as Dragon Flies) - a relatively unknown Australian martial arts movie from the 70s that is a really fun watch. It is one of my favourite Australian films of that era.

The Karate Kid - I am a fan of the original Ralph Macchio version having grown up in that era.

Sidekicks - for nothing other than Chuck Norris

I am of two minds to include American Ninja - it is one you either love or you don't. It is classic b grade American 80s action which did well at the time and spawned many sequels which are worse than the original. I enjoyed it but am aware that many of you won't.

That's it for today. Any other Kung Fu movies that I should include, let me know.

Sunday 3 November 2013

Game Theory

I was looking at some Facebook posts that a few friends had over the weekend and one of them made mention of a film called Clue which is something of a cult classic. The post inspired me to think about other films that use games in their film as either the framework or a metaphor.

Clue is a film you either love or hate. I happen to love it - it has a wonderful cast, fantastic script and is brilliantly directed. It is just a shame that people didn't get it when it was first released back in 1985.

Other great game movies include:

Fresh - a small independent film with Samuel L Jackson that really works. Definitely worth a watch.

Tron - It was really good for its time.

WarGames - what concerns me about this film is how it predicted the way technology has developed. I really enjoyed it. The technology itself is now quite dated but it is still a great film.

Battleship - this is one of those guilty pleasure films that is fun to watch because the people in it are so beautiful.

Jumanji - quite a good film for the family. A great ride.

Searching for Bobby Fischer - wonderful acting with a great cast - definitely worth a watch.

Scott Pilgrim v The World - one you will either love or hate. Again, one I happen to love. Worth a watch for those that are fans of offbeat comedies.

Le Diner de Cons (aka The Dinner Game) - a wonderful french film that inspired a not as great American remake.

That's it for today. Let me know if there are any films out there that I should have included.