Wednesday 15 January 2014


It's Australian Open time and the weather has yet again become a cause for concern amongst the athletes playing in the matches.

If they look back over the years, they will find that most of the matches have been played in relatively hot weather conditions and this year is no different. Singapore has recently announced that it will be holding the Womens' Tennis Association Championships at its stadium in October 2014. The country has an average daily high temperature of 31 degrees celsius and close to 100 percent humidity daily. I think the tennis players need to be aware of the conditions before they arrive and adjust their game accordingly.

That said, today's post is about movies that feature tennis that are worth a watch.

Match Point - This is a great Woody Allen movie and worth watching for Scarlett Johansson alone.

Wimbledon - this is a cute romantic comedy with Kirsten Dunst that is passable viewing especially at the end of a long week.

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead - why is this one on the list? True, it doesn't really feature tennis as such but it does have a great scene on a tennis court. Given the shortage of films in this category, I have included this one on the list.

Second Serve - this is a made for TV movie and so technically I shouldn't include it on the list. That said, Vanessa Redgrave is brilliant in this based on a true story film.

Tennis, Anyone...? This film is passable at best. Easy Friday night viewing and I wouldn't really expect a lot from it.

The Royal Tenenbaums - the last one on the list for today. This film has a great tennis theme in it and is worth viewing for it alone. Great cast and a lot of fun.

That's it for today. Any tennis films that I should include on the list? Let me know in the comments below.

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