Thursday 16 January 2014


Hello All,

Finally, the oscar nominees have been announced. In this years list of nominees, the Spike Jonze film Her has been nominated for one award being that of best picture.

This film has received a lot of hype and I have not as yet had the pleasure of watching it (something for next week). I have, however, seen the trailers and it brings to mind an old 80s film that I happen to love more for the soundtrack than for anything else. The 80s film I am referring to is Electric Dreams.

Anyhow, this nomination has been the inspiration of today's post - one in which technology is a central part of the film, almost to the extent of it being its own character.

As mentioned above, Electric Dreams - Culture Club did most of the soundtrack and for children of the 80s this is a wonderful romantic comedy. I love it and can watch it over and over.

Alchemy - this romantic comedy deserves a watch for those that are looking for a light hearted romantic comedy a la hollywood style. Certainly not ground breaking or earth shattering in any way but it is worth a watch none the less.

2001: A Space Odyssey - a wonderful Kubrick film as mentioned in previous posts.

The Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgement Day - I know that there have been other Terminator films released since but the first two are by far the best in my mind and are definitely worth a watch.

Bicentennial Man - this film is one you either like or hate. I happen to like it. I think Robin Williams is great as the main character and the film is quite watchable. It didn't rate spectacularly with the critics when it was first released but give it a try if you like these types of films.

The Probability Factor - this French black comedy is definitely worth a watch if you can track a copy of it down. It is one of those films that occasionally surfaces on SBS (or equivalent). It is quite old (circa 1976) but is definitely worth a watch.

Weird Science - the last on the list for today. This John Hughes movie is a bit of fun and an 80s take on Frankenstein. If you are a fan of John Hughes movies or 80s films in general, definitely watch this one.

That's it for today. Do you have a favourite technology movie that is not listed above? If so, let me know in the comments below.

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