Thursday 9 January 2014

Outer space

It is the beginning of awards season with yesterday being the People's Choice awards. Gravity appears to be one of the films scooping nominations at this year's awards which has formed the basis of today's post being films set in outer space. I should mention that outer space is different to on another planet which will be the subject of a future post.

My list of watchable films in this category (outside of Gravity) include:

2001: A Space Odyssey - it took me forever to see this film all the way through and I mean no disrespect to Stanley Kubrick in saying that. The film doesn't include a lot of dialogue and combined with a classical music soundtrack, I found myself falling asleep more often than I would have liked each time I attempted to watch the film. That said, having now seen it all the way through, it is definitely a film worth watching.

Alien - this film and its sequel Aliens are definitely worth a watch for those that like to be scared (at least in the case of Alien)  or just like a good action film (in the case of Aliens) . Both films are very entertaining.

Event Horizon - I saw this film when it first came out at the cinema and it scared the pants off me. It is a really good thriller and is definitely worth a watch.

Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back - of all the Star Wars films, these ones are my favourites. I am disappointed with the new ones as I have mentioned in earlier posts and these two are largely set in outer space and as such qualify for this list. I didn't include Return of the Jedi because despite the Ewoks annoy me.

Spaceballs - as far as spoofs go, this one is pretty good. It hasn't lost too much over time and is still worth a watch.

The American Astronaut - this is an interplanetary musical/comedy and is something of a cult film. It is definitely unusual and incredibly low budget. That said, if you like offbeat films with unusual story lines, this film is for you.

The Black Hole - this is a lost Disney classic that is a little hard to track down but well worth a watch if you can find it. It didn't get great reviews when it was first released but if you like science fiction films, chances are you will like this one too.

Flash Gordon - I love this film. I saw it many times as a child and I still think it is worth a watch. Queen did the soundtrack and the cast are wonderful. Definitely worth a watch.

Space Battleship Yamoto - I have included this because I like Japanese anime and this is a live action film based on the Japanese animated series. It is a great film if you can track down a copy.

Star Trek - no list about outer space would be complete without at least one of the Star Trek films. I have included the JJ Abrams version from 2009 because it kick's ass. There are several other trekkie films out there that could be included on the list but I think one will suffice for the purpose of this one.

Armageddon - this film is a great action movie that doesn't require much of a brain to enjoy. Bruce Willis is wonderful and Ben Affleck is pretty good. Michael Bay diffracted and Jerry Bruckheimer produced - great combination and an easy watch.

G.O.R.A. - I have included this film on the list because there just aren't many Turkish science fiction films out there. I readily admit that this one won't appeal to everybody but I found it to be quite funny and worth at least one viewing.

Barbarella - I love this film because it is so stylish and Jane Fonda is really good. It is a lot of fun and an easy watch.

That's my list for today. I know that there are lots of other films set in outer space that could be included on the list but this should be enough to get you started. Do you have a favourite that is not included? Let me know in the comments below.

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