Wednesday 8 January 2014


Hi All

The Island is playing on Warner TV in Asia this month and it has been the inspiration behind today's post. Yes, today's post is movies that are about clones and/or the cloning process.

The concept of clones is nothing really new. There are a ton of ethical issues about whether or not humans should be cloned and much of this has become the centre piece of certain films released in recent times.

Films that include clones that I think are worth watching include:

Multiplicity - don't expect a lot from this film. It is a light hearted romantic comedy that is really easy to watch. It probably takes the lightest view of the concept of cloning.

The Island - quite a big budget for the film and Ewan MacGregor and Scarlett Johansenn are quite good in this Michael Bay film.

Gremlins - not technically a film about cloning but it does include it as part of the story so I have included it here. Also, it is a film that I enjoyed and think it makes for great viewing. The sequel, not so much.

Never Let Me Go - this is a really good film. The cast are excellent. It is a rather depressing film so don't expect to do much after watching it.

Clone - this film is not for everyone but it is a great film for the purposes of generating discussion and debate. It is well acted and directed and if you like confrontational films, definitely worth a watch.

Jurassic Park - quite a good ride from Stephen Spielberg and is a fun watch. Great on a big screen with surround sound if possible.

Blade Runner - my preference is for the directors cut over the original because it works better as a story in my opinion. A timeless classic by Ridley Scott and a wonderful film to watch.

The Fifth Element - technically not about cloning per se but it does feature and readers of previous posts will know that I love this film and will always recommend people watch it.

The Clones of Bruce Lee - I will be the first to admit this film is not a great film but if you like goofy martial arts movies then this one might appeal to you. Don't expect high art - it certainly isn't but it is a fun watch if you are prepared to suspend your disbelief and just go with it.

The Ressurection of Zachary Wheeler - this 1971 film really deserves to be watched. It isn't a great film but the acting and the screenplay are well done. Worth a watch, not two perhaps.

The Boys from Brazil - it isn't really a plausible film but it has a wonderful cast and they really go with it. Gregory Peck and Lawrence Olivier in particular are awesome in this film. It deserves to be watched.

There are a lot of others out there that you might think should be on the list but this is just to get you started. Are there any glaring omissions? Let me know in the comments below.

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