Monday 6 January 2014

Cycling Films

I saw on the list of films to be released in 2014 that a film about Lance Armstrong is on the to be released list and it made me think about the cycling films that I have watched over the years and ones that I would recommend people watch.

Quicksilver - this is a classic Kevin Bacon film that I really enjoyed when I saw it many years ago. I haven't seen it recently but it didn't rely on special effects to convey the story so I think it would still be worth a look.

BMX Bandits - for the Nicole Kidman fans out there - this is one of her earliest pieces of work and worth watching to see the young redhead before she was famous. It is also quite a good bit of Australiana and an incredibly cool film.

Beijing Bicycle - this is a wonderful film that is definitely worth a watch if you can get your hands on a copy. It was banned when it was first released in China but the ban was lifted in 2004. It is a quality drama that was received well by the critics and is a part of China that is disappearing.

Cyclomania - this Finnish film is great for the sport cycling enthusiasts. It has great acting and is well directed and is definitely worth a watch.

El amateur - this Argentinian film is a wonderful little film that pulls at the heart strings. Wonderful viewing and beautiful scenery. Definitely worth a watch.

Island Etude - this is a beautiful heartwarming and very much a laid back film from Taiwan. If you like slower pieces this is definitely one to watch.

Rad - I wasn't sure whether to include this one. It is by no means high art but it is a guilty pleasure to watch in that you will feel good after seeing it. Don't expect great acting or direction, just a bit of fun. Not as good as BMX Bandits.

Premium Rush - I saw this one on the plane and have to say the small screen in the seat in front did not do it justice. It has some great camera work and the story is well acted and assembled. I think it is worth watching. It is a good weekend afternoon/evening movie.

That's it for today. Do you have a favourite cycling movie that is not on the list? If so, let me know.

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