Sunday 19 January 2014


Hello All,

Wedding Crashers was on Warner TV on the weekend and it is quite a fun, easy weekend movie to watch. It has been the inspiration for today's post.

Most wedding films tend to be comedies but there are also a few dramatic gems out there that are also worth watching. A few of my favourite wedding movies include:

The Wedding Singer - I know Adam Sandler is not great but as a child of the 80s I enjoy this film as much for the soundtrack as I do for the weak storyline.

Four Weddings and a Funeral - there are a few moments in this film that are quite cringeworthy but the film overall is worth a watch.

The Wedding Banquet - I think this is one of Ang Lee's best films. It really has quite a few levels to it and is a great comedy.

Margot at the Wedding - brilliant performance from Nicole Kidman in this must watch drama.

My Best Friend's Wedding - This is a great feel good movie. Wonderful performances by both Cameron Diaz and Julia Roberts. Rupert Everet really makes this film.

Muriel's Wedding - being an Australian that grew up in a beachside town, I probably get a little more out of this film than most. That said, it is a wonderful film that has stood the test of time quite well. Both Toni Colette and Rachel Griffiths are fantastic. Good performance from Bill Hunter as well.

27 Dresses - this is an easy to watch romantic comedy. It doesn't require any brain power to enjoy. Great chick flick.

The Wedding Date - another easy to watch romantic comedy. I happen to like Deborah Messing. I think she should be doing more film dramas than comedies. That said, she is great in this easy to watch film.

After the Wedding - this Danish film is a great drama. Definitely worth a watch. Brilliant performances throughout.

That's it for today.  Do you have a favourite wedding film that is not mentioned above that you think others should see? Let me know in the comments below.

Thursday 16 January 2014


Hello All,

Finally, the oscar nominees have been announced. In this years list of nominees, the Spike Jonze film Her has been nominated for one award being that of best picture.

This film has received a lot of hype and I have not as yet had the pleasure of watching it (something for next week). I have, however, seen the trailers and it brings to mind an old 80s film that I happen to love more for the soundtrack than for anything else. The 80s film I am referring to is Electric Dreams.

Anyhow, this nomination has been the inspiration of today's post - one in which technology is a central part of the film, almost to the extent of it being its own character.

As mentioned above, Electric Dreams - Culture Club did most of the soundtrack and for children of the 80s this is a wonderful romantic comedy. I love it and can watch it over and over.

Alchemy - this romantic comedy deserves a watch for those that are looking for a light hearted romantic comedy a la hollywood style. Certainly not ground breaking or earth shattering in any way but it is worth a watch none the less.

2001: A Space Odyssey - a wonderful Kubrick film as mentioned in previous posts.

The Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgement Day - I know that there have been other Terminator films released since but the first two are by far the best in my mind and are definitely worth a watch.

Bicentennial Man - this film is one you either like or hate. I happen to like it. I think Robin Williams is great as the main character and the film is quite watchable. It didn't rate spectacularly with the critics when it was first released but give it a try if you like these types of films.

The Probability Factor - this French black comedy is definitely worth a watch if you can track a copy of it down. It is one of those films that occasionally surfaces on SBS (or equivalent). It is quite old (circa 1976) but is definitely worth a watch.

Weird Science - the last on the list for today. This John Hughes movie is a bit of fun and an 80s take on Frankenstein. If you are a fan of John Hughes movies or 80s films in general, definitely watch this one.

That's it for today. Do you have a favourite technology movie that is not listed above? If so, let me know in the comments below.

Wednesday 15 January 2014


It's Australian Open time and the weather has yet again become a cause for concern amongst the athletes playing in the matches.

If they look back over the years, they will find that most of the matches have been played in relatively hot weather conditions and this year is no different. Singapore has recently announced that it will be holding the Womens' Tennis Association Championships at its stadium in October 2014. The country has an average daily high temperature of 31 degrees celsius and close to 100 percent humidity daily. I think the tennis players need to be aware of the conditions before they arrive and adjust their game accordingly.

That said, today's post is about movies that feature tennis that are worth a watch.

Match Point - This is a great Woody Allen movie and worth watching for Scarlett Johansson alone.

Wimbledon - this is a cute romantic comedy with Kirsten Dunst that is passable viewing especially at the end of a long week.

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead - why is this one on the list? True, it doesn't really feature tennis as such but it does have a great scene on a tennis court. Given the shortage of films in this category, I have included this one on the list.

Second Serve - this is a made for TV movie and so technically I shouldn't include it on the list. That said, Vanessa Redgrave is brilliant in this based on a true story film.

Tennis, Anyone...? This film is passable at best. Easy Friday night viewing and I wouldn't really expect a lot from it.

The Royal Tenenbaums - the last one on the list for today. This film has a great tennis theme in it and is worth viewing for it alone. Great cast and a lot of fun.

That's it for today. Any tennis films that I should include on the list? Let me know in the comments below.


I have been waiting at home for a delivery that is meant to arrive before 3pm this afternoon (it is currently 2.45pm as I write this post) which has been the inspiration behind today's post. Situations in which the main characters are trapped. I think these films are great because it really is a lot of hard work for the actor that is trapped to convey the intensity of being trapped to the audience and those that do it well are truly wonderful at their craft.

Buried - this film deserved better returns than it has received at the box office. It is a really wonderful thriller and Ryan Reynolds is great in the role.

Trapped - this film is good, not great but worthy of a viewing. Good cast including Charlize Theron, Kevin Bacon and Courtney Love. Fairly engaging viewing.

The Purge - this film is surprisingly good. Ethan Hawke is wonderful in this low budget thriller.

Misery - based on the Stephen King novel,  Kathy Bates is wonderful in this film. It is definitely worth a watch.

Cube - this Canadian low budget film is definitely worth a watch. The film rocks given its incredibly low budget.

Panic Room - I am a big fan of Jodie Foster. I think she is a wonderful actress that made a seamless transition from child actor to Hollywood superstar and she really gets into the roles she takes on. This film is not her best work but it is worth a watch.

Funny Games - this Austrian film was remade in 2007 with Naomi Watts and no offence to that version but the Austrian version is a much better watch.

That's it for today. Do you have a favourite trapped film? If so, let me know in the comments below.

Monday 13 January 2014


I am doing a 100 day challenge of sorts at the moment and one of the items on the list is to read the bible from start to finish in 100 days. As I was reading this morning, it made me think about the films that have been released that are based on part of the bible or a person that is in it so I thought that I would make it the subject of today's post.

For those that enjoy biblical films, they are often on free to air around Easter and Christmas each year. Ones that I think are worth watching are:

The Ten Commandments - this film took a decade to make and while the special effects are quite dated it is still a pretty good epic. It is an incredibly long film and as such is not for the faint hearted. There was a remake in 2006 which I have not seen. I tend to stick to the original.

Jesus of Montreal - I saw this film when it was released at the movies. It is one of my favourite Canadian films. It hasn't really lost that much since it was released and is definitely worth viewing.

The Last Temptation of Christ - this film caused a massive stir in Australia when it was released. It has a great cast and is wonderfully directed by Martin Scorcese. I think it is worth a watch.

The Passion of the Christ - this is quite a violent film from Mel Gibson. Again, it has a great cast and the cinematography in the film is excellent. It is a pretty good watch.

The Miracle Maker: The Story of Jesus - for those that like clay animation, this is a great film that has a wonderful cast (Ralph Feinnes, Ian Holm, William Hurt, Julie Christie, Miranda Richardson to name a few). Definitely worth a watch.

Go to Hell!! - I have mentioned this one before in other posts. This is a crudely animated Australian film. If you are able to track down a copy, I highly recommend it. It is wonderful viewing. I won't say it is an authentic retelling of the bible but it is an interesting take on it.

Wholly Moses! - this is better than the rating that IMDB gives it. It has a great cast and it really isn't meant to be taken seriously. It is worth at least one viewing.

That's it for today's post. Do you have a favourite biblical film that is not on the list? If so, let me know in the comments below.

Sunday 12 January 2014


The Golden Globes are on today and the BAFTA nominations were announced last week. One of the films in the BAFTAs that received a lot of nominations was the Steve McQueen directed 12 Years as a Slave. The film hasn't received a lot of press here in Asia but it has inspired today's post which is films that have slavery as a main theme.

Films in this category that are worth watching include:

The Help - wonderful acting and quite a great film to watch.

Django Unchained - definitely one of my favourite films of recent times. A great film to watch - quite a number of layers to it. I could see it again.

The Color Purple - more a film about oppression that 'slavery' in the traditional sense, it is a wonderful watch. This is Spielberg directing in the vein of Empire of the Sun and Schindler's list. The acting is brilliant and this film is sure to pull at the heart strings. Definitely worth watching.

Spartacus - I first saw this film when I was studying Latin in high school. We convinced our latin teacher that watching films set in Ancient Rome would increase our appreciation for the language.  This Stanley Kubrick directed epic with Kirk Douglas hasn't lost too much over time and is still worth a watch.

Amistad - Another Stephen Spielberg classic. This one has a wonderful cast and is a great drama and definitely worth watching.

Manderlay - this is the second film the Lars Von Trier trilogy although the third film has not been released - the first being Dogville (great watching). I would recommend watching Dogville before watching Manderlay as you may get more out of it although both films can be watched on their own.

Ilo Ilo - this film is yet to be released on DVD but it is definitely worth a watch. It received a short run in Singapore after winning the Camera D'or at the Cannes Film festival this year. It has gone on to win other awards and is a great debut film that gives insight into the helper/family relationship in Asia.

That's it for today's list. Do you have a favourite film about slavery? If so, let me know in the comments below.

Thursday 9 January 2014

Outer space

It is the beginning of awards season with yesterday being the People's Choice awards. Gravity appears to be one of the films scooping nominations at this year's awards which has formed the basis of today's post being films set in outer space. I should mention that outer space is different to on another planet which will be the subject of a future post.

My list of watchable films in this category (outside of Gravity) include:

2001: A Space Odyssey - it took me forever to see this film all the way through and I mean no disrespect to Stanley Kubrick in saying that. The film doesn't include a lot of dialogue and combined with a classical music soundtrack, I found myself falling asleep more often than I would have liked each time I attempted to watch the film. That said, having now seen it all the way through, it is definitely a film worth watching.

Alien - this film and its sequel Aliens are definitely worth a watch for those that like to be scared (at least in the case of Alien)  or just like a good action film (in the case of Aliens) . Both films are very entertaining.

Event Horizon - I saw this film when it first came out at the cinema and it scared the pants off me. It is a really good thriller and is definitely worth a watch.

Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back - of all the Star Wars films, these ones are my favourites. I am disappointed with the new ones as I have mentioned in earlier posts and these two are largely set in outer space and as such qualify for this list. I didn't include Return of the Jedi because despite the Ewoks annoy me.

Spaceballs - as far as spoofs go, this one is pretty good. It hasn't lost too much over time and is still worth a watch.

The American Astronaut - this is an interplanetary musical/comedy and is something of a cult film. It is definitely unusual and incredibly low budget. That said, if you like offbeat films with unusual story lines, this film is for you.

The Black Hole - this is a lost Disney classic that is a little hard to track down but well worth a watch if you can find it. It didn't get great reviews when it was first released but if you like science fiction films, chances are you will like this one too.

Flash Gordon - I love this film. I saw it many times as a child and I still think it is worth a watch. Queen did the soundtrack and the cast are wonderful. Definitely worth a watch.

Space Battleship Yamoto - I have included this because I like Japanese anime and this is a live action film based on the Japanese animated series. It is a great film if you can track down a copy.

Star Trek - no list about outer space would be complete without at least one of the Star Trek films. I have included the JJ Abrams version from 2009 because it kick's ass. There are several other trekkie films out there that could be included on the list but I think one will suffice for the purpose of this one.

Armageddon - this film is a great action movie that doesn't require much of a brain to enjoy. Bruce Willis is wonderful and Ben Affleck is pretty good. Michael Bay diffracted and Jerry Bruckheimer produced - great combination and an easy watch.

G.O.R.A. - I have included this film on the list because there just aren't many Turkish science fiction films out there. I readily admit that this one won't appeal to everybody but I found it to be quite funny and worth at least one viewing.

Barbarella - I love this film because it is so stylish and Jane Fonda is really good. It is a lot of fun and an easy watch.

That's my list for today. I know that there are lots of other films set in outer space that could be included on the list but this should be enough to get you started. Do you have a favourite that is not included? Let me know in the comments below.

Wednesday 8 January 2014


Hi All

The Island is playing on Warner TV in Asia this month and it has been the inspiration behind today's post. Yes, today's post is movies that are about clones and/or the cloning process.

The concept of clones is nothing really new. There are a ton of ethical issues about whether or not humans should be cloned and much of this has become the centre piece of certain films released in recent times.

Films that include clones that I think are worth watching include:

Multiplicity - don't expect a lot from this film. It is a light hearted romantic comedy that is really easy to watch. It probably takes the lightest view of the concept of cloning.

The Island - quite a big budget for the film and Ewan MacGregor and Scarlett Johansenn are quite good in this Michael Bay film.

Gremlins - not technically a film about cloning but it does include it as part of the story so I have included it here. Also, it is a film that I enjoyed and think it makes for great viewing. The sequel, not so much.

Never Let Me Go - this is a really good film. The cast are excellent. It is a rather depressing film so don't expect to do much after watching it.

Clone - this film is not for everyone but it is a great film for the purposes of generating discussion and debate. It is well acted and directed and if you like confrontational films, definitely worth a watch.

Jurassic Park - quite a good ride from Stephen Spielberg and is a fun watch. Great on a big screen with surround sound if possible.

Blade Runner - my preference is for the directors cut over the original because it works better as a story in my opinion. A timeless classic by Ridley Scott and a wonderful film to watch.

The Fifth Element - technically not about cloning per se but it does feature and readers of previous posts will know that I love this film and will always recommend people watch it.

The Clones of Bruce Lee - I will be the first to admit this film is not a great film but if you like goofy martial arts movies then this one might appeal to you. Don't expect high art - it certainly isn't but it is a fun watch if you are prepared to suspend your disbelief and just go with it.

The Ressurection of Zachary Wheeler - this 1971 film really deserves to be watched. It isn't a great film but the acting and the screenplay are well done. Worth a watch, not two perhaps.

The Boys from Brazil - it isn't really a plausible film but it has a wonderful cast and they really go with it. Gregory Peck and Lawrence Olivier in particular are awesome in this film. It deserves to be watched.

There are a lot of others out there that you might think should be on the list but this is just to get you started. Are there any glaring omissions? Let me know in the comments below.

Monday 6 January 2014

Cycling Films

I saw on the list of films to be released in 2014 that a film about Lance Armstrong is on the to be released list and it made me think about the cycling films that I have watched over the years and ones that I would recommend people watch.

Quicksilver - this is a classic Kevin Bacon film that I really enjoyed when I saw it many years ago. I haven't seen it recently but it didn't rely on special effects to convey the story so I think it would still be worth a look.

BMX Bandits - for the Nicole Kidman fans out there - this is one of her earliest pieces of work and worth watching to see the young redhead before she was famous. It is also quite a good bit of Australiana and an incredibly cool film.

Beijing Bicycle - this is a wonderful film that is definitely worth a watch if you can get your hands on a copy. It was banned when it was first released in China but the ban was lifted in 2004. It is a quality drama that was received well by the critics and is a part of China that is disappearing.

Cyclomania - this Finnish film is great for the sport cycling enthusiasts. It has great acting and is well directed and is definitely worth a watch.

El amateur - this Argentinian film is a wonderful little film that pulls at the heart strings. Wonderful viewing and beautiful scenery. Definitely worth a watch.

Island Etude - this is a beautiful heartwarming and very much a laid back film from Taiwan. If you like slower pieces this is definitely one to watch.

Rad - I wasn't sure whether to include this one. It is by no means high art but it is a guilty pleasure to watch in that you will feel good after seeing it. Don't expect great acting or direction, just a bit of fun. Not as good as BMX Bandits.

Premium Rush - I saw this one on the plane and have to say the small screen in the seat in front did not do it justice. It has some great camera work and the story is well acted and assembled. I think it is worth watching. It is a good weekend afternoon/evening movie.

That's it for today. Do you have a favourite cycling movie that is not on the list? If so, let me know.

Sunday 5 January 2014

Happy 2014 - What I watched over the Christmas Break

Welcome to 2014, may it be prosperous and happy.

I thought I would use this post to talk about the films that I watched over the Christmas break. I have to say upfront that I didn't pick most of the films on the list as my dad had organised the viewing of the films before we arrived.

Starting at the top:

The Last King of Scotland - I found this to be an excellent film. Forest Whittaker is brilliant and was incredibly deserving of the academy award for his performance in this film. He plays the character with so much depth. I wouldn't want small children to watch this but if you like true stories then this film is definitely worth a watch.

The Frozen Ground - Finally, Nicholas Cage doing decent movies. This film was surprisingly good. Vanessa Hudgens is remarkably good in this film and her character is a far cry from her High School Musical background. John Cusack is also great in this true story. Definitely worth a watch for those that like drama/thriller/true story films.

Shooter - this wasn't the first time that I have seen this film but my dad admitted to it being one of his favourites. Definitely hits the all the right buttons for vigilante justice fans. Has a few good lines in it.

Before Midnight - this is the final of the trilogy and was one that my dad hired for my mum to enjoy - which she did. The guys didn't enjoy it as much as the girls. I found it to be great because I am aware that there is no real script - the actors pretty much improvise most of the film based on a framework established by the director. I thought they were excellent and the film raised issues that are of importance to many relationships. In my opinion it is a good date movie.

Infernal Affairs - Again, not the first time I have seen this movie. My dad was disappointed with the ending of this film but the rest of it he found to be really enjoyable. It is one of my favourite Hong Kong films and I will always recommend it.

We're the Millers - I watched this on the plane as I felt that Rush or Red 2 were better suited to a screen that was larger than the back of an aircraft seat. It is an easy Friday night in beer and pizza movie after a long week at work. It doesn't require much brain power and if you are a fan of the National Lampoon's Vacation movies, chances are you will enjoy this too. There are some good moments and lines in the film but on the whole it is an ok movie.

So that's it. The rest of the time was spent watching Australia cane the English in the Ashes which as an Australian made for fantastic viewing. What about you? What films did you watch over the Christmas break? Any you would recommend?