Friday 27 September 2013

Why the Blog?

Many, many years ago in what almost seems like another life, I used to work at a video store while completing my university degree. It was my favourite part time job while studying and as a university student, I had several.

Looking back, I was the female version of a cross between Barry from High Fidelity and Randall from Clerks but probably not quite as offensive or as colourful with my language. My regular customers, in the knowledge that I would question and debate "poor" viewing decisions, would sneak in while I was off work to rent films like the 1998 version of Godzilla. In my arrogance, which I now put down to youth, I believed it was my duty to ensure my customers would only watch quality films which, by and large were ones that I recommended.

With the development and adoption of new technology and now the ease of electronic downloads, I have witnessed the demise of the video store (along with record and bookstores) and tragically, the culture that accompanies it. There no longer exists the need to watch something else because the film you planned to rent is not available and for me that marks a missed opportunity as it was often on those occasions that I found hidden gems that I would not have considered viewing.

Recommendations for films in the past not only came from friends and "reviews". A complete stranger in the video store at the same time as yourself or a video shop employee with access to your viewing history were often the source of recommendations. In today's world, the random recommendation is often found online and tends to be coupled with a complete film synopsis. The anonymity of the internet now means that no assessment can be made of the person making a recommendation when compared to receiving that recommendation from a person in a face to face setting.

As a blogger I am the first to acknowledge that I am not going to be able to remove that ability of people making a visual assessment of me before deciding on whether to adopt one of my viewing recommendations. I find it easier to communicate electronically through the written word than do a video blog. What I can promise is that this blog will seek to recommend films without giving away the storyline or other details that should really only be revealed upon the viewing of the actual film.

As we get older, there are fewer first experiences (e.g. learning to drive, first kiss, etc...) that have the capacity to affect us emotionally and seeing a really good film that you have little knowledge of that you are able to immerse yourself in and be affected by is, in my mind, one of the few safe remaining experiences that can do that.

And so ends the first post. Tomorrow the fun begins...

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